Is Consumer Non-Durables A Good Career Path

Is Consumer Non-Durables A Good Career Path in 2023?

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Is consumer non-durables a good career path for you in 2023? Let’s dive into it.

Non-durable goods are consumable goods that have high replacement values.

What are non durable goods?

This is why consumers need this item every time when dressing, eating, washing up, or traveling.

To be a successful professional in Non-durable Products, you have to be qualified for jobs with an excellent aptitude to do so.

Experts examine the various job opportunities offered in the non-durable consumer goods sector, examining the options you can get into the industry.

This is an exciting sector that offers many interesting possibilities.

Table of Contents

Non Durables Industries

Below is a range of career opportunities, and while many require a college degree, there are still plenty of career opportunities available for anyone without experience. Trade positions are usually found within warehouses or production lines, including assembly, packing, forklift management, etc.

Prominent job opportunities available in,

  • Food manufacturing plants
  • Pharmaceutical and medicines manufacturing
  • Paper manufacturing
  • Beverage companies
  • Tobacco industry
  • Household/personal care/ cosmetics industry
  • Textile industry

Those who make consumer non-durables need workers for developing, manufacturing, testing, promoting, and selling finished products. In addition, the industry requires administrative and clerical workers, managers, advertising staff, and professionals.


Jobs in the consumer non-durables industry

The consumer non-durables industry is enormous and offers many job opportunities. For example, the Bureau of labor statistics states that the consumer non-durable industry provides 5.6 million jobs in the market in the US alone.

Beauty products companies employ more than one million people, which is estimated to increase with industry growth. Large multinational companies handle 100000 or more employees with different jobs and titles.

Find out more about “How many jobs are available in consumer non-durables.”

Highest paying jobs in the consumer non durable industry

Best-paying jobs in the consumer non-durables industry

With the accessibility of technology, retail stores converted to e-commerce, inducing job growth. For example, the average salary of an information security analyst is $102600 per year and expected to grow by 35 %, according to the Bureau of labor statistics.

Web developers can earn an average salary of around $110000 with a projected net growth of 13%, while network engineers make $80600 and digital designers make $78300 a year.

Other best-paying jobs offered by managemental roles. For example, Human resources manager makes $126230 a year. The marketing manager makes $153440 annually, and the industrial production manager makes $117780.

Rather than these typical jobs, there are job profiles that pay more according to the companies. Like at Philip Morris, the Director of sales is the highest paying job.

Highest paying jobs in the consumer non-durables industry

  • Creative Director
  • Quality assurance analyst
  • Human resources manager
  • Information security analyst
  • Food and beverages manager
  • Financial analyst
  • Chemical engineer
  • Medical sales representatives
  • Restaurant general manager

Reasons to have consumer non-durable jobs.

The industry offers ample opportunities with various job titles and fair wages, and most companies offer benefits packages. These perks make it good career path than other industries. So here are a few reasons to start your career in the consumer non-durables industry.

Wide variety of jobs

The consumer no-durables sector economy covers a variety of jobs, from brewery workers to food production line workers, etc. It also provides entry-level jobs with opportunities for supervisory and managerial roles.

Many jobs require advanced scientific degrees in research and development departments. Even though administrative, HR, Finance, and clerical jobs are available to support the core team.

Competitive salaries and excellent incentives

A minimum wage job in this industry has an average salary of $8000 to $12000. The highest paying jobs in the consumer non-durables industry can vary between $79000 to $90000 annually.

The incentives include bonuses of $6000 to $ 12000 annually; it also has health and life insurance benefits. Some companies also provide dental insurance.

The average salary provided by some of the large companies includes,

  • Procter & Gamble Company – $47378
  • Coca-cola company – $ 37112
  • Nestle AG – $38000
  • British American Tobacco – $ 41000
  • Colgate-Palmolive Company
  • Diageo -$57000
  • Nike – $60000

Depending on the job training and the seniority of the title, the salary may increase with time. The above-discussed numbers include the basic salary, not the benefits.

Excellent perks and benefits

Apart from the base wage, the consumer non-durables industry provides employees with additional perks, including

  • Life and health insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Severance pay
  • Gyms
  • Daycare
  • Exchange bonuses
  • Retirement plans
  • Travel allowance
  • Expense allowance

As consumer non-durable companies are multinational companies, you have a great chance to start your international career.

Work culture

The consumer non-durables industry provides excellent work culture. The sector provides technical jobs with a competitive advantage and regular performance reviews. After review, the employee is rewarded for their performance. This makes them confident in their role.

In addition, employers invest in employees’ skill development, such as training managers for leadership skills and excellent communication skills. In addition, many jobs require mandatory training courses that teach corporate business principles to employees.

Cultural diversity is equally respected as these are multinational companies. Employees are encouraged to learn about various cultures and multinational work environments.

Excellent job opportunities

Consumer non-durable industries produce numerous entry-level jobs with an average salary of $30000 – $40000. Due to this, freshers develop multiple skills while moving from one department to another. As they get promoted, these skills build transferable value for the company.

Opportunities in support areas

The consumer non-durables sector has core departments and several career opportunities in support areas. These support areas include finance, administration, HR, and marketing roles.

The common support areas job opportunities include,

  • Administration and clerical
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Human resources
  • Intellectual property
  • IT

What makes non-durables a good career path?

Many factors make consumer products a career path, but we’ll only look for a few key aspects that make this industry the finest. First, the consumer product manufacturing industry is a key industry for many of these goods that have become a fundamental component of our daily lives.

This product will always serve us in our routine, and consumers can use it forever. This sector is expanding faster because of customer demand.


Many jobs in consumer non-durables require customer interaction, like sales managers and consumer services, but not all job outlook for consumer-facing. The jobs are customer oriented, and your job profile may involve work consumed by the customer.

Hands-on training

For freshers, employers give out professional development programs that give hands-on training for the job title. Such training includes preparing food like alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, helping consumers with beauty products, designing products, etc.

Instant results

The consumer non-durables jobs are fast-paced jobs, so many people do part of the work to make one product. Due to this work style, the product is made with high quality and quickly, giving instant satisfaction to the creator.

A degree is not the priority.

Many jobs in consumer non-durables do not require a compulsory four-year degree requirement. Many jobs provide training for the particular title. Hence, consumer non-durables provide a good career path for non-degree holders.

Provide a variety of roles for freshers

The employment of freshmen and experienced individuals is good, and the company has many jobs available. If you possess the skills to perform the role you seek, you are guaranteed a job quickly and easily.

However, freshers shouldn’t be applied for a midlevel position. Ideally, send your CV to the highest-ranking position so your chances for hiring will increase. If we are not looking into jobs, it is frustrating.

Opportunities for students in non-durable consumer companies.

Consumer non-durables companies are recognized for exceptional internships. In addition, Unilever offers a paid internship program for five- to six-month periods. The following steps are essential in hiring the intern.

So starting in internal management is a reality. After graduation, it is important to understand non-durable consumer industry careers. We can examine another example: Procter & Gamble.

Is consumer non-durables a good career path for skilled trade jobs?

Yes. And yes. Skilled trade jobs are essential in all industries for those skilled workers who have worked in electrical equipment. There is another sector that consumers can employ in non-durable goods.

Moving from another area to Consumer Non-durable goods will not cause stress because there will be the same job role you had before.

The demand for non-durable job products will likely grow as a result. Non-durables do not require luxury. Instead, it’s their daily tool. This is why the industry has the potential to collapse quickly.

Companies that are leading the consumer non-durables sector

To decide if the consumer non-durables field provides stable jobs or not, also to know it is a good career path, one must assess the established companies. Here is the list of large companies that lead the market.

Coca-cola company

It is the world’s largest food and non-alcoholic beverages company dominating the large food industry. Undoubtedly it produces the most recognizable brands in almost every nation.

Nestle AG

It is also the largest producer of non-alcoholic beverages and of consumer non-durable goods. Its headquarters is situated in Switzerland. It operates in 191 countries and has 2000+ brands.


It is a leading global distributor of FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods ). It is one of the most prosperous FMCG companies in the world, serving more than 190 countries.

Proctor & Gamble Company

It is a huge manufacturer of FMCG goods with a wide range of baby care, fabric softeners, homemaking, feminine care, hygiene, personal care, and more.


It is a global corporation operating in the consumer non-durables sector. It produces, markets, and distributes grain-based snack foods, beverages, and consumer non-durable goods.


It is an athletic wear and shoe manufacturing company located in the US. It also produces athletic apparel for sports persons and gym wears. Sometimes it is considered the most successful business in the world.

These are the few companies that offer consumers non-durable jobs, but more companies cover large markets for jobs.

Find out more about “What companies are in the consumer non-durables field.”


If you are looking for a job but don’t have a degree or skillset for the job? The consumer non-durables provide a good career path for you to get started.

If you have market knowledge, then consumer non-durable companies have great opportunities for you to develop marketing campaigns and consumer services.

Choosing career paths is not easy, but if you are wondering, is consumer non-durables a good career path? Then the above information is to help you find your answer.

The sector offers lucrative incentives, benefits, and career growth opportunities for you to explore, like sales representative, quality control roles, marketing manager, market cap analyst roles, etc.

I hope you found the above article knowledgeable and helped you explore more knowledge of consumer non-durable jobs.

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Is Consumer Durables A Good Career Path?
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