Passive Income For Graphic Designers

9+ Passive Income For Graphic Designers | Easy Income

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If you are looking to earn passive income while doing what you love to do the most, you have landed on the right post, In today’s blog post, we’re going to delve into the exciting world of Passive Income For Graphic Designers and uncover the secrets to earning it, making more money, and enjoying the benefits of being your own boss.

Whether you’re just starting in the industry or are a seasoned professional, there’s always room for growth and new opportunities to make extra money.

We’ll explore various strategies that can help you diversify your income sources and unlock the true potential of your creative talents. So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, and let’s embark on this journey to transform your passion for design into a thriving career filled with financial success and freedom.

Table of Contents

What Is Passive Income?

What Is Passive Income

In simple terms, passive income is money earned with minimal effort, giving you the freedom to pursue other passions while your finances flourish. Imagine reaping the rewards from sources like rental properties, dividend stocks, or even selling digital products such as e-books and design assets.

In this captivating blog, we’ll unravel the various passive income sources, evaluate their pros and cons, and assist you in generating tailor-made ideas that cater to your unique skill set.

Furthermore, we’ll divulge key strategies to maximize your passive income’s potency, ensuring you’re well-prepared for this exhilarating journey. So, get ready to unlock the door to a more secure and gratifying financial future.

Difference Between Passive and Active Income

Let’s talk about the difference between active and passive income and how you can take advantage of the latter to bolster your earnings without sacrificing your precious time. Active income is what you earn from your day-to-day work, like designing logos or creating illustrations for clients. Passive income, on the other hand, is the money that flows into your bank account with minimal effort once you’ve set up a revenue-generating system.

Difference Between Passive and Active Income

Imagine this: You create an amazing design product like a set of vector icons, and instead of selling it only once, you put it up on marketplaces to be purchased by multiple customers – that’s passive income. With each sale, you’re earning \money without any additional work. Exciting, right?

In this blog, we’ll explore popular passive income avenues for graphic designers, such as selling design products on marketplaces, expanding your reach through social media, and licensing your designs for others to use. This invaluable resource will help you kickstart your passive income journey while maintaining your core work schedule. So, gear up and get ready to unlock your true earning potential in the world of graphic design.

Why Recurring/Passive Income is Great for Designers

Recurring or passive income is a game-changer for designers, providing multiple benefits that can elevate both their financial and creative well-being. Here’s why embracing recurring/passive income is an excellent move for designers:

  1. Financial Stability: Passive income offers a steady flow of earnings with minimal ongoing effort. This financial cushion allows designers to worry less about chasing clients and focus more on honing their skills and pursuing personal projects.
  2. Time Flexibility: Since passive income requires little to no active work after the initial setup, designers can allocate their time more efficiently. They can use this newfound freedom to explore new techniques, learn new software, or simply take a break without compromising their income.
  3. Creative Control: Passive income sources, such as selling digital products or licensing designs, enable designers to maintain creative control over their work. This autonomy encourages experimentation and innovation, fostering personal growth and artistic evolution.
  4. Expanded Reach: By offering design products or services on various platforms and marketplaces, designers can expand their audience and attract new clients. This increased visibility helps in building a strong brand presence and reputation in the design community.
  5. Scalability: Passive income streams have the potential to grow exponentially with the right marketing strategies and product offerings. As designers refine their craft and expand their portfolio, they can scale their passive income sources to match their growing expertise.

Recurring or passive income empowers designers with financial stability, time flexibility, creative control, expanded reach, and scalability. These benefits make it an essential component of a successful and fulfilling design career.

Passive Income Ideas for Designers and Illustrators

In this section, we’ll explore lucrative opportunities tailored for creative professionals. We’ll cover selling digital assets, offering online courses, licensing stock designs, and leveraging print-on-demand services.

With actionable steps and insider tips, you’ll be well-equipped to capitalize on your talents and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Get ready to unlock your true earning potential

Design and Sell Templates

Creating templates can be a great way to make money without having to put in too much effort. You can design the template once, and then sell it multiple times. This means that you will be able to make money from your designs even when you’re not actively working on them.

The first step in designing and selling templates is to decide what kind of template you want to create. There are many different types of templates out there, such as resume templates, social media graphics, digital workbooks, and more. Once you’ve decided on the type of template you want to create, it’s time to start designing.

When creating your template, it’s important to keep in mind who your target audience is. Think about what kind of people would be interested in purchasing your template and design accordingly. Make sure that the design is visually appealing and easy to use so that customers will be satisfied with their purchase.

Design and Sell Templates for passive income

Once your template is designed, it’s time to start selling. You can sell your templates online through platforms like Etsy or Canva. These platforms allow you to easily upload your designs and set up shop so that customers can purchase them directly from you. You can also promote your designs through social media or other marketing channels so that more people know about them.


Blogging is a fantastic passive income option for graphic designers, as it allows you to share your expertise, showcase your work, and generate revenue through various channels.

Here is my blog


Here are some action-taking ideas to get started:

  1. Create a Blog: Choose a niche within the design world that aligns with your skills and interests. Set up a visually appealing blog with user-friendly navigation, and integrate your portfolio to showcase your work.
  2. Write Valuable Content: Publish informative and engaging articles on design topics, tutorials, or case studies. Consistently create high-quality content to establish yourself as an authority in your niche and attract a loyal audience.
  3. Optimize for SEO: Utilize SEO best practices to improve your blog’s search engine ranking. Research relevant keywords and incorporate them into your content, headings, and meta descriptions to drive organic traffic. You can use Surferseo for your onpage seo optimisation
  4. Promote on Social Media: Share your blog posts across social media platforms such as Linkedin, Pinterest, and Instagram to increase visibility and attract new readers. Engage with your audience through comments and direct messages to build strong relationships and grow your following.
  5. Monetize Your Blog: Implement passive income strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or display ads to generate revenue from your blog. Promote design tools, software, or products that you genuinely find valuable and beneficial for your audience.
  6. Offer Digital Products: Create and sell digital products like design templates, e-books, or online courses related to your niche. Promote these products within your blog posts and offer exclusive discounts to your subscribers.

Affiliate and Referral Programs

Affiliate and referral programs are excellent passive income options for graphic designers who prefer not to engage in blogging or content creation.

Here is the screenshot of my earning from Creative Fabrica for promoting fonts and other graphic design materials

creative fabrica affiliate marketing earning

Here are some action-taking ideas to help you leverage these programs effectively:

  1. Choose Relevant Programs: Sign up for affiliate or referral programs of design-related products and services that you genuinely use and recommend. Ensure these offerings align with your target audience’s needs and preferences.
  2. Create Engaging Visual Content: Design eye-catching promotional materials like banners, social media posts, or email templates featuring your affiliate/referral links. These visuals can showcase the product’s benefits, your personal experiences, or user testimonials.
  3. Leverage Social Media: Share your affiliate or referral links on your social media profiles along with engaging visual content. Offer valuable tips, mini-tutorials, or product demonstrations to entice your followers and encourage them to click on your links.
  4. Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with influencers within the design community to promote your affiliate/referral links. Provide them with custom promo codes or exclusive offers that they can share with their audience, expanding your reach and increasing conversions.
  5. Join Online Communities: Actively participate in design forums, Facebook groups, or LinkedIn communities where you can share your expertise and offer genuine recommendations. Include your affiliate or referral links when relevant, but focus on providing value first to build trust among your peers.
  6. Utilize Email Marketing: Build an email list by offering a free design resource or newsletter subscription. Use this list to send occasional emails promoting your affiliate/referral products, along with valuable content or exclusive discounts.

Create a YouTube channel

Another great way to start making money passively is starting a youtube channel, even if you prefer not to show your face on camera. Here are some action-taking ideas to help you create a successful channel:

  1. Define Your Niche: Choose a specific design-related niche that aligns with your skills and interests. Focus on creating content that showcases your expertise and provides value to your target audience.
  2. Create Screen-Recorded Tutorials: Develop video tutorials using screen recording software to demonstrate design techniques, software tips, or project walkthroughs. You can narrate the process or use captions and background music to guide viewers through your tutorials.
  3. Design Time-Lapse Videos: Record your design process and create time-lapse videos to showcase your workflow, techniques, and final results. Add voiceovers or captions to explain your thought process or provide insights into your creative choices.
  4. Curate Design Inspiration: Produce videos featuring design inspiration, trends, or showcases of other designers’ work. Offer commentary, analysis, or critique to provide value and engage viewers in meaningful discussions.
  5. Utilize Presentation Slides: Create informative videos using presentation slides, animations, or motion graphics to discuss design principles, industry news, or case studies. Use engaging visuals, clear explanations, and concise storytelling to capture your audience’s attention.
  6. Promote Your Channel: Share your videos on social media, online communities, and your professional network to increase visibility. Engage with your viewers through comments and encourage them to subscribe, like, and share your content.
  7. Monetize Your Channel: Utilize YouTube’s monetization features such as ads, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing to generate passive income from your videos. Additionally, promote your design services, products, or online courses to further increase your revenue streams.

Create Online Courses

Creating and selling online courses is a highly effective passive income strategy for graphic designers, as it allows you to share your expertise and generate revenue simultaneously. Many designers have successfully utilized this approach to build their personal brand and supplement their income. Here are some action-taking ideas to get started:

  1. Identify Your Course Topic: Choose a design-related subject that aligns with your skills and interests, as well as the needs of your target audience. Conduct market research to identify gaps in existing offerings or emerging trends that you can address.
  2. Outline and Structure Your Course: Create a comprehensive course outline, breaking down the content into modules and lessons. Organize the material logically and ensure each lesson builds upon the previous one to facilitate learning.
  3. Develop High-Quality Content: Produce engaging video lectures, screen-recorded tutorials, presentations, or interactive exercises to deliver your course content. Ensure the material is clear, concise, and visually appealing to keep learners engaged.
  4. Leverage Real-Life Examples: Incorporate case studies, design samples, or project walkthroughs to demonstrate the practical application of your course content. This will help learners better understand the concepts and inspire them to apply their newfound knowledge.
  5. Offer Additional Resources: Provide supplementary materials such as templates, cheat sheets, or resource lists to enhance the learning experience and add value to your course.
  6. Choose a Platform: Select an online course platform that suits your needs and preferences. Popular options include Udemy, Skillshare, Teachable, and Thinkific. Each platform has its own features, pricing, and audience reach, so carefully evaluate your options before committing.
  7. Promote Your Course: Market your course through social media, email campaigns, blog posts, or collaborations with influencers. Offer limited-time discounts or exclusive bonuses to entice potential students and encourage enrollment.

Printable coloring books

With the rise of digital art, more and more designers are turning to this form of creative expression as a way to make money. The best part is that you don’t need to be a master artist or have advanced skills in order to create beautiful coloring books. AI tools like Midjourney make it easy for anyone to create stunning designs quickly and easily.

The process of creating and selling printable coloring books begins with finding the right design software. Midjourney offers an array of features that allow users to customize their designs, including color palettes, patterns, textures, and more. Once you’ve created your design, you can then upload it to various marketplaces such as Etsy or Creative Market where customers can purchase them.

You can also set up your own website or blog where you can showcase your work and offer downloads of your printable coloring books.

Another great way to promote your printable coloring books is through social media platforms such as Instagram or Pinterest.

Web elements and icons

Creating and selling web elements and icons is an excellent passive income opportunity for graphic designers, as it allows you to monetize your design skills while providing valuable resources to other professionals. Many designers are already tapping into this market and generating income from their creations.

freepik contributor

Here are some action-taking ideas to get started:

  1. Identify Your Target Audience: Determine who will benefit most from your web elements and icons, such as web developers, UI/UX designers, or small business owners. Tailor your designs to suit their preferences and needs.
  2. Design High-Quality Elements: Create visually appealing and functional web elements and icons that cater to various design styles and industries. Ensure your designs are easily customizable, scalable, and compatible with popular design software.
  3. Package Your Elements: Organize your web elements and icons into themed sets or bundles to help potential buyers quickly find what they need. Make sure to include detailed information about the file formats, sizes, and licensing terms in your product descriptions.
  4. Choose a Selling Platform: Select a marketplace that specializes in design assets to sell your web elements and icons. Popular options include Creative Market, Envato Elements, Iconfinder, and Dribbble Marketplace. Research each platform’s fees, audience reach, and submission guidelines to determine the best fit for your work.

Instagram Highlights Covers

Creating and selling Instagram Highlight covers is a niche yet effective passive income opportunity for graphic designers. By growing your Instagram account and showcasing your design skills, you can attract potential buyers interested in customizing their profiles.

Instagram Highlights Covers

Here are some action-taking ideas to get started:

  1. Design Unique Highlight Covers: Create visually appealing and diverse Instagram Highlight cover designs that cater to various niches, industries, or aesthetic preferences. Ensure your designs are easily customizable and adaptable to different brand identities.
  2. Create a Portfolio: Use your Instagram account as a portfolio by showcasing your Highlight cover designs through posts and Stories. Include examples of how these covers can be used on actual profiles to demonstrate their value and appeal.
  3. Engage with Your Target Audience: Identify and interact with individuals or businesses who may be interested in purchasing your Highlight covers. Follow, like, and comment on their posts to build relationships and increase your visibility within your target market.
  4. Leverage Hashtags and Geotags: Use relevant hashtags and geotags in your posts to reach a wider audience and improve discoverability. Research popular and niche-specific tags to maximize exposure and attract potential buyers.
  5. Collaborate with Influencers or Brands: Partner with influencers or brands in your target market to showcase your Highlight cover designs on their profiles. Offer them exclusive designs or discounts in exchange for promoting your work and tagging your account.
  6. Offer Customization Services: In addition to selling pre-made Highlight covers, offer customization services to create bespoke designs for clients. This personalized approach can help you stand out from competitors and generate additional income.
  7. Set up a Simple Online Store: Create your own online store or use a platform like Gumroad or Etsy to sell your Instagram Highlight covers. Link to your store in your Instagram bio, and promote it through posts and Stories to drive traffic and sales.
  8. Share Testimonials and Reviews: Collect and share positive feedback from satisfied customers to build trust and credibility with potential buyers. Feature these testimonials in your posts, Stories, or Highlight sections to showcase the value of your products.

Resume templates

Selling resume templates is a lucrative passive income option for graphic designers, as it capitalizes on the need for well-designed, professional resumes. For graphic designers, creating visually appealing templates may be relatively easy, but for non-designers, it can be a challenging task.

Final Words

In conclusion, this article has explored the numerous benefits and potential revenue streams that designing and selling various design elements, such as resume templates and coloring books, can offer graphic designers seeking passive income. By tapping into their unique skill set and expertise, graphic designers can create valuable products that cater to the needs of diverse audiences, while simultaneously generating a consistent source of earnings.

Throughout the article, we have emphasized that achieving success in this endeavor requires hard work, dedication, and continuous improvement. Graphic designers must invest time and effort into creating high-quality, visually appealing, and functional design elements that resonate with their target market. Moreover, staying updated on industry trends and incorporating customer feedback is crucial to maintaining relevance and ensuring long-term success.

To maximize sales and drive traffic to their products, graphic designers can leverage the power of social media and popular online marketing platforms like Etsy, Freepik, or Adobe Stock. These platforms not only provide access to a vast audience but also offer valuable insights into market demands, enabling designers to tailor their offerings accordingly.

It’s important to note that designing and selling design elements is not a get-rich-quick scheme; rather, it’s a reliable way of earning passive income over an extended period. With patience, persistence, and a focus on delivering value, graphic designers can successfully establish a sustainable passive income stream through the sale of their creations.

By embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by this revenue stream, graphic designers can unlock their full potential, contribute to the creative community, and secure financial stability for themselves in today’s competitive marketplace.

Passive Income for Designers FAQ

How can designers make passive income?

Designers can make passive income by creating and selling digital assets like templates, icons, stock graphics, and fonts; offering online courses or tutorials; designing and selling print-on-demand products; and monetizing design-related YouTube channels or blogs. Leveraging online marketplaces and social media for promotion helps increase visibility and sales.

Where do graphic designers make the most money?

Graphic designers make the most money in industries like tech, advertising, and media, as well as by working for large corporations or design agencies. Additionally, designers can increase their income by freelancing, creating passive income streams, or specializing in high-demand niches like UI/UX design or motion graphics.

How much can a freelance graphic designer make?

A freelance graphic designer’s income can vary greatly depending on factors like experience, location, specialization, and client base. On average, they can earn anywhere between $30 to $150 per hour, with more experienced designers potentially earning even higher rates. Consistently building a strong portfolio and networking can help increase earnings over time.

What type of designers makes the most money?

UI/UX designers, motion graphics designers, and specialized 3D artists tend to make the most money due to the high demand and the technical expertise required in these fields. Additionally, designers working in tech, advertising, and media industries or for large corporations and design agencies typically earn higher salaries.

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